Immediate climate action is needed to avoid dangerous climate tipping points and irreversible damage. To succeed, we take calculated risks on strategies that are justified by their transformative potential.

We focus on the strategies, tactics, and geographies where our grantees can have the greatest impact catalyzing rapid emissions reductions and accelerating the transition to clean energy around the world.

We have no time to lose and our resources are dwarfed by the money and influence of fossil fuel interests so we need to be extremely efficient in our use of resources. That means finding a set of investments that have a higher probability of successfully avoiding near-term warming at the lowest cost possible. We look for leveraged, catalytic opportunities for philanthropic dollars to accelerate action.

We invest in science-based climate change solutions that have the highest probability of achieving the largest near-term impact. Our foundation seeks solutions that maximize results, understanding that the best solutions influence and magnify efforts by others. We aim to enable the political, economical, financial, and social conditions to achieve and implement the highest ambition policy possible.

Representative Grants

Impact Story

Engineering a total systems approach to the energy transition

Energy Systems Integration Group

Impact Story

Unlocking energy efficiency’s full potential

International Energy Agency

Impact Story

Building capacity for higher energy ambition

Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership

Fact Card

Cost-effective mitigation of non-CO2 pollutants

Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development

Fact Card

Research to bend the emissions curve

Climate Policy Lab